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UNHCR goodwill ambassador, model and actress Praya Lundberg takes time out from a busy ...

Here are five of the planet's wealthiest people who are in Asia.

Learn some words of wisdom from Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates

Revenues of financial technology startups will leap 10 times, to more than $100 billion...

Keynote address by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway at the UN official commem...

As Taiwan strengthens its democratic traditions and makes overtures to other nations, t...

Singer, songwriter, executive, educator, philosopher, art collector - Petch Osathanugra...

The chairman of the foreign chambers of commerce opens up on ways to improve investment...

Thailand 4.0 is more than a slogan; it will modernize the country's business practices,...

Where does Trump's US election victory leave the balance of regional politics, and the ...

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