×Exclusive HealthCuisineSustainabilityMagazine

Editorial Note

Khunying Kalaya Sophonpanich, PhD : Advancing Thai Education into the Digital Era

Khunying Kalaya Sophonpanich, PhD : Advancing Thai Education into the Digital Era

Let me begin by wishing you a very happy, healthy and prosperous “Year of the Tiger”. As the third month of the lunar calendar’s 12-year zodiac cycle, those born in this year are thought to be kind, enthusiastic and adventurous and so, in this issue, we have followed this theme with the articles we’ve selected.

To begin, we were fortunate to interview Khunying Kalaya Sophonpanich, PhD, the Deputy Minister of Education and present her continued compassionate dedication to the development of Thailand, now promoting the policy of teaching “Coding for All”. We then introduce the recently arrived Bhutanese ambassador to Thailand, HE Kinzang Dorji, as he talks about the kindness he experienced receiving a virtually free education while the child of farmers, ultimately completing a postgraduate degree at the University of London. He then goes on to talk of the close relations between Bhutan and Thailand before discussing the benevolent leadership of HM King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck based on the concept of Gross National Happiness.

Compassion and concern for others are also described in our articles about the Diplomatic Red Cross Bazaar, an annual event organized by the Diplomatic Participants Committee (DPC) in cooperation with the Thai Red Cross Society (TRCS) and an introduction to the board members of the Spouses of Heads of Missions (SHOM) Bangkok and the support they provide to newly arriving members in addition to their very enthusiastic voluntary contributions to Thai society.

Enthusiasm as well as adventure are presented in our Marketing Mind column in which Surachai Chetchotisak, RS PCL CEO talks about his latest ventures, particularly, their “Popcoin” blockchain marketing platform. They are also at the core of our travel story, Rediscovering America, in which Mick Elmore takes us cycling on parts of his 48-state quest after returning to the US. After this, for a more luxurious adventure, we take you to the Meliá Phuket Mai Khao while an adventure into lifestyle modification and health is waiting for you at the Wellness We Care Center in Muak Lek. Then, Pongpol Adireksarn’s exciting cave adventure in Pang Ma Pha district, Mae Hong Son, is brought to its conclusion before Anchalee Vivathanachai shares an illusory tale based on a dream to ride a railway and we end with Ezra Kyrill Erker’s impressions of Fairy Tale Prague.

Before I close, I would like to apologise for the misspelling of the surname of Adriana Méndez Murguía in last issue’s Lifestyle column. And once again wish you a very happy “Year of the Tiger”.


Warm Regards,
Arthorn Techatada
Executive Editor