×Exclusive HealthCuisineSustainabilityMagazine

Editorial Note

Through Political Turmoil Towards The AEC

Through Political Turmoil Towards The AEC

June / July 2014

Nice to meet you. My name is Elite+.

First of all, I’d like to define myself to my readers, as “Elite+” could be interpreted in various ways. Elite+ is meant as a wide forum of exchange for leaders and readers fromvarious fields, backgrounds and personal or political persuasions in the global community. Our standard is that those who have proved themselves in their discipline, and pushed for the betterment of society as a priority, and integrated those values

with talent, intelligence and vision, whether by advocating environmental protection, liberty, human dignity, poverty reduction, self-sufficiency or self-reliance, among others, and applied them as a way of life – these are the sources of our content.

Our magazine is not a daily or weekly news report. We’re positioning ourselves as a medium for capturing new ideas, scoops and innovations in culture, business and lifestyle, a bimonthly magazine with a mission that will benefit from the feedback of readers who share our ideals.

Two-way communication is needed to develop the content of Elite+. Please don’t hesitate to comment on our presentation, content, look or feel. We are accessible through many channels, including direct mail, our website or social media. There is no need to be a subscriber in order to comment. Please help us realize the slogan on our cover: “The Magazine for Sophisticated Cosmopolitans”.


Warm regards,

Arthorn Techatada