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Message from HE Mr Kinzang Dorji, Ambassador Of Bhutan To Thailand

Message from HE Mr Kinzang Dorji, Ambassador Of Bhutan To Thailand

One of the most important national events in Bhutan is the celebration of National Day on 17 December. The day holds immense historical significance for the people of Bhutan as it was on this day that the trajectory of our country’s history and future changed its course forever. It was a defining moment that shaped our country’s unity, peace, progress and prosperity. 

Bhutan will graduate to a middle-income country this year, which is a major milestone in our country’s development journey.

The National Day is celebrated every year to commemorate the coronation of the Druk Gyalpo (Dragon King) Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck, who was unanimously crowned as the first hereditary King of Bhutan on this day in 1907 in Punakha. Prior to 1907, Bhutan comprised numerous fragmented regions each governed by different rulers because of which our country was riven with incessant internal conflicts. The enthronement of Gongsar Ugyen Wangchuck as the Druk Gyalpo marked a pivotal moment in the annals of our country’s history—our country was unified under one leadership.

His Majesty’s reign marked the initiation of Bhutan's journey into a modern era, characterized by a dedicated pursuit of socioeconomic development, thus, setting the stage for our country's progress and modernization. We, the people of Bhutan, have been extremely fortunate to have been blessed with the extraordinary and selfless leadership of the successive monarchs who have worked tirelessly to bring unprecedented peace, prosperity and socioeconomic development. Central to Bhutan's development journey has been the unique and holistic development model of 'Gross National Happiness' that has brought socioeconomic progress while preserving our pristine environment and rich culture. 

This day holds a special place in the hearts of every Bhutanese to honor the legacy of our past, celebrate the blessings of the present and envision the promising future that lies ahead. National Day is indeed an opportune moment for all Bhutanese to pay tribute and express our deepest gratitude to our enlightened monarchs for the peace, harmony, progress and prosperity that we enjoy today. It is also a time for us to cherish our unique culture, diverse traditions and the values that define us as Bhutanese as we offer prayers for everlasting peace and prosperity.

On this momentous day, people from all walks of life come together to celebrate our country’s sovereignty, independence and unity as a nation as well as to rejoice the remarkable progress our country has made since 1907. The celebration includes traditional ceremonies and colourful cultural performances that showcase Bhutan’s unique customs and rich cultural heritage.  The highlight of our National Day that people await with great anticipation is His Majesty The King’s national day address. On this day, awards and decorations are also presented to recognize individuals and organizations for their outstanding contributions to the country.

On the occasion of our national day, we also want to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation to all the friends of Bhutan and development partners, like Thailand, for their generous and unwavering support towards our country’s development. We deeply cherish and celebrate our friendship with Thailand and reconfirm our commitment to take the relationship to even greater heights. We also take this opportunity to thank all our counterparts from various agencies in Thailand for their full support and cooperation in further strengthening the friendship between our two countries. The continued support of our close friends, like Thailand, will remain important as we continue our pursuit of realizing our collective vision of an even more prosperous Bhutan.

This year, like all our other embassies/missions/consulates in different countries, the Royal Bhutanese Embassy in Bangkok is celebrating our 116th National Day with the Bhutanese community in Thailand.

As we celebrate the special occasion today, my colleagues and I at the Embassy extend our warmest wishes and Tashi Delek to all our fellow Bhutanese, as well as to our friends and well-wishers of Bhutan in Thailand, whose friendship and goodwill we value immensely. I enjoin all Bhutanese citizens across the world to come together in heart and soul to reaffirm our commitment to serve the Tsa-Wa-Sum (King, Country and People) with dedication and excellence.
