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National Day Message By He Ms Cecilia Zunilda Galarreta Bazán

National Day Message By He Ms Cecilia Zunilda Galarreta Bazán

National Day Message

HE Ms Cecilia Zunilda Galarreta Bazán

Peruvian Ambassador to Thailand


28 July SA date of celebration and joy for both the people of Peru and Thailand since it is our National Day as well as the birthday anniversary of His Majesty King Maha Vajiralongkorn. On behalf of the Government of Peru, the Embassy of Peru in Thailand and myself, I would like to express our best wishes of happiness, health and long life to HM King Rama X, the entire Royal family and the people of Thailand.


I also avail myself of this opportunity to pay a special tribute to the Peruvian community in Thailand on our National Day, wishing all my fellow compatriots prosperity and harmony in order to contribute to the well-being of their families, our beloved Peru and to the advancement of this beautiful country that welcomes us.


Since the independence of Peru was proclaimed 202 years ago, our country has faced numerous challenges which have tested our people's ability to achieve progress. A few months ago, an attempted coup by the former president of the Republic was another threat against our democratic system and against the Rule of Law. However, as we say in my country, Peru has always been bigger than its problems, and all the democratic forces came together to overcome this new crisis. Making use of its constitutional powers, Congress declared the vacancy of the president and at that time, Vice President Dina Boluarte assumed the presidency of the Republic by constitutional mandate. Today, with the dedication and the willpower of all Peruvians, we are building the social peace, stability, and growth that we all want with the purpose of tackling the most urgent needs of our people.


When President Boluarte, then vice president, visited Bangkok in November 2022 as head of our delegation to the APEC Leader’s Summit, she left convinced of the potential offered by our bilateral relationship. Despite an apparent geographical remoteness, Peru and Thailand are two countries with many factors in common that are not usually known: we are both heirs to ancient cultures that developed over centuries in our respective territories; our populations are hard-working and creative; we are both rich in natural and maritime resources and global leaders in biodiversity; and we are attractive tourist destinations and have outstanding gastronomies recognized worldwide.


Thanks to the generous hospitality of the Thai government, I´ve had the opportunity to participate with other heads of mission in several working visits to different regions of Thailand. I am impressed by the beauty of the country, the kindness of its people and their knowledge, passed down from generation to generation. I have learned there are many areas in which we can learn from each other, for example, in terms of community tourism development, environment, public health, alternative development, satellite technology and innovation. In that regard, Peru and Thailand have been working on a Development Cooperation Program, the only one we have in Southeast Asia, which will enter a new cycle for the 2024-2026 period. On the multilateral fora, Peru supported the priorities promoted by Thailand during its successful APEC’s presidency in 2022, which we are committed to continue working on during our APEC Chairmanship in 2024.


The years ahead are noteworthy, since in 2025 our countries will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. As ambassador of Peru in Thailand, it is my purpose to provide deeper content to this remarkable date, working hand in hand with my government to take the relationship with Thailand to the next level. Among our main targets, we want to complete the negotiations of a Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement to expand the partial one we have so as to allow greater trade flow between our countries, as well as promote major investment and tourism opportunities. Currently, Peruvian blueberries, grapes, avocados and superfoods such as quinoa and chia have already found their place in Thai homes. I am confident that soon the variety of goods that Peru has to offer will grow even more.


This special date, 28 July is a well-timed occasion to assess how far we have come together, and the vast amount of possibilities that lie ahead to further strengthen Peruvian-Thai relations in different domains. I am very pleased to note that we are moving ahead in the right direction, with much determination, enthusiasm and conviction.