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Noodee, Zico, Peach And Mai Appointed

Noodee, Zico, Peach And Mai Appointed

BANGKOK, 24 May 2017 – UNICEF Thailand today announced the appointment of Noodee Vanessa Race, Zico Kiatisuk Senamuang,Peach Pachara Chirathivat and Mai Davika Hoorne as new celebrity supporters for children; also known as “Friends of UNICEF”. Together with UNICEF, they also launched the #FightUnfair #โอกาสที่เท่าเทียมcampaign calling on the people of Thailand to lend their support to reduce inequities among children, and to allow every child a fair chance in life.


Noodee, Zico, Peach and Mai will help UNICEF spread awareness of the challenges still facing millions of children in Thailand. In particular they will help bring attention to the importance of investing in early childhood development, ensuring inclusive education, protecting children from violence and helping adolescents remain healthy, informed and engaged.


Noodee is a well-known expert in child and brain development, while Zico is the former Head Coach of the Thailand National Football Team, Peach is a popular actor and singer, and Mai is a famous actress. They will join Nichkhun Horvejkul and Paula Taylor who have served as Friends of UNICEF since 2013.


“Each of the four new Friends of UNICEF has a unique strength and a passionate voice thatreaches a wide range of people. Their support will be invaluable in helping UNICEF bring positive changes to the lives of children,” said Anand Panyarachun, who has served as UNICEF Thailand Goodwill Ambassador for 20 years. “Children are everyone’s business. We need all sectors of society to come together to fight the challenges facing children today.”


Friends of UNICEF


In Thailand, disparities and exclusion remain major challenges to the healthy development, protection and education of children. According to the Thailand Development Research Institute (2014), more than 2 million children in Thailand are still living under the poverty line.


“Too often, poverty and social exclusion deprive Thailand’s most vulnerable children of the critical nutrition, health-care, education and protection that they need,” said Thomas Davin, UNICEF ThailandRepresentative. “We all have a role to play in building a future in which no child is left out of Thailand’s impressive development. The energy and commitment that Noodee, Zico, Peach and Mai are bringing to the cause is inspiring.”


At the launch event in Bangkok today, Friends of UNICEF called for equal opportunities and a fair chance for every child, in a three-minute video clip, with the global hashtag of the fight against inequity for children: #FightUnfair.The video conveys a powerful message on how certain groups of children in Thailand – including children from poor families, migrant children and children with disabilities – do not have the same opportunities to develop as other children.  Watch video: http://bit.ly/FightUnfairTH


“I am very proud to work with UNICEF and to help promote equal access for quality education for children.” said Zico Kiatisuk Senamuang. “Too many children in Thailand are not in school or are not receiving a quality education. I hope my voice will help trigger a change towards a more equal society for every child.”


“The importance of early childhood development and positive parenting really cannot be overstated. The early months and years of life provide the foundation of a child’s development with consequences that last throughout the child’s life. I’m looking forward to participating in raising awareness and support for these important issues facing children,” said Noodee Vanessa Race.


“We often forget that adolescents are still children who are developing fast and who need support and attention. I am excited about communicating with, and on behalf of adolescents. Adolescents need education and information to support their health and development. They also need opportunities to voice their opinions on issues that concern them, and they need to be listened too.” Peach Pachara Chirathivat said.


“When I visited the site in Mae Hong Son with UNICEF, I realized that in this world there are so many children who live in extremely difficult conditions. Here in Thailand, migrant children are an example of this. These children deserve to have the same opportunities as other children and I am going to work wholeheartedly with UNICEF to help bring these opportunities for all children in Thailand, and across the world,” Mai Davika Hoorne said.


Friends of UNICEF

Friends of UNICEF






#FightUnfair #โอกาสที่เท่าเทียม

Download all video clips herehttp://bit.ly/FightUnfairTHVideo



UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.

For more information, please contact:

UNICEF Thailand:

Nattha Keenapan, 02-356-9478, 086-616-7555, nkeenapan@unicef.org

Alistair Gretarsson, 02-356-9481, 092-256-2418, agretarsoon@unicef.org


Weber Shandwick

Rungnapa Chanwiset (Rung) 02-343-6061, 081-494-8131 

Kissayakorn Maneepan (Film) 02-343-6178, 091-551-8300